的宝贝. Christian Weiler, J.D. ’05 Appointed to U.S. 税务法院

Photo of Weiler being sworn in as U.S. 税务法庭法官










的宝贝orable Christian Weiler, J.D. ’05 was sworn in as Judge on the U.S. Federal 税务法院 on September 9th of this year.

A 新奥尔良 native, Weiler earned an undergraduate degree in accounting from Louisiana State University before enrolling in Loyola’s 法学院 in 2001. After he completed several courses in tax law, Weiler’s law professors encouraged him to pursue an LL.M. in tax law in addition to his juris doctorate. After completing his law studies in 2005, Weiler practiced at Weiler & 里斯 in 新奥尔良 for 15 years, specializing in tax and estate planning matters. 在维勒 & 里斯, he represented a range of clients—from individuals and small businesses, to local and State tax assessors.

“Serving as a judge on the 税务法院 is both rewarding and challenging,” says Weiler. “作为税务法官, you get to consider and decide some of the most cutting-edge tax disputes; however, you also regularly hear small pro-se taxpayer disputes with the IRS. The 税务法院 serves an important role, since it’s the only prepayment forum in which a taxpayer can challenge his or her IRS tax assessment.”

Weiler and his family are relocating to Washington, D.C., where he will serve a term of 15 years on the Court. He values his time at the 法学院—crediting Professor William Neilson with sparking his interest in tax law—and remains close friends with a number of his fellow 法学院 classmates to this day.